Sam Ducharme
Woodstock, CT
My grandfather ("papaw") always deer hunted while sitting in a chair next to a tree. It was a cold and damp morning and Papaw started to doze off a little, as most hunters do while they hunt. He eventually fell into a deep sleep and began to snore.
Fifteen minutes later a deer was making its way up the creek and, I guess, heard my papaw snoring and went to check out the noise. He managed to make it all the way to my papaw's nose! Papaw said afterwards that he could actually feel the deer's breath on his face. Papaw opened his eyes and saw the deer and was very surprised. He slowly raised his 30-30 and aimed into the deer's chest and shot. The deer fell right where it stood!
Papaw got the deer mounted with head and neck leaned forward like it was when he shot it. Sadly, his house burned this past January and, with the house, 33 deer heads.
The Nosy Buck
Justin Edge