I work for a Large company in Minnesota and part of my job is
to entertain visitors from around the world. One of the things I like to do
the most is take them ice fishing. Most people, if there not from the Midwest
have never done this before and it's an experience they'll never forget.
On one occasion I had a visitor from Japan, and we took him to Mile Lacs Lake,
When we got there it was snowing so badly that we had to wait in the bar about
4 hours before they would let us on the lake. Needless to say after four hours
of waiting and drinking we were ready for a good time. We put in a full day
of fishing and of coarse a little more drinking.
Our visitor caught a few fish and had a good time. The surprise came the next Monday when he was ready to go back to Japan. He was asked to say a few words at a meeting we were in (About 120 People) about his experiences while he was here. After he talked about what he learned on the job he ended the talk with... "I would also like to thank Mark & Randy for bringing me ICE DRINKING over the weekend"!. After the group quit laughing our technical director asked him what he had to drink, he replied in a Japanese accent. "Beer, bloodymarys, and something that taste like tooth paste" he explained.(Schnapps)...
After another round of laughs, Randy and myself slowly got up and left the meeting.
I smile everytime I think of him back in Japan telling his friends, his fishing story.